Association By-Laws
Article I - Name
The name of this Association shall be the HAMPSHIRE SHORES ASSOCIATION. This Association has been incorporated by a charter filed with the Secretary of State for New Hampshire on February 1970.
Article II - Objects
The objects for which this Corporation is established and the nature of the charitable works to be transacted by it are as follows:
(a) To provide, maintain, and operate facilities to be used for social recreation and improvement by and among the cottage owners at the resort development known as Hampshire Shores at Sunrise Lake in Middleton, New Hampshire.
(b) To provide, maintain, and operate roadways, walks, and beach areas on or near Sunrise Lake in Middleton, New Hampshire for the common usage and enjoyment of the cottage owners and their guests at Hampshire Shores.
(c) To plant, cultivate, preserve, and protect shade trees and timber lands.
(d) To hold title to real estate and personal property for the benefit of the Corporation.
(e) To have, hold, buy, sell, mortgage, develop, and otherwise act to convey, transfer, or acquire real estate and personal property for the benefit of the Corporation.
(f) To do all things legally necessary and proper for the successful conduct of the Corporation.
Article III - Meetings
1. The annual meeting of this Association shall be held on the Saturday of the Labor Day weekend.
2. Special meetings may be called during the summer (June 1 to September 1) upon giving five (5) days notice to the members of the Association. Special meetings called at other times of the year shall require fourteen (14) days notice to the members of the said Association.
3. One third membership in good standing shall constitute a quorum. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.
Article IV - Officers
The officers of the Association to be elected at the annual meeting shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Clerk, Secretary, Treasurer, and not more than seven (7) Directors.
Article V - Duties of Officers
1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees.
2. The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer.
3. The Secretary shall receive and answer all correspondence and keep a current record of all meetings of the Association.
4. The Clerk
5. The Treasurer shall receive all money of the Association and keep an accurate record thereof and shall pay out only those funds authorized by the Association. He shall present a report at the Annual Meeting and be prepared to render an account at any meeting upon request of any member in good standing.
6. The Directors shall manage the affairs of the Association at meetings duly called for this purpose.
7. The aforesaid Officers and Directors shall constitute the Executive Committee and shall supervise and tranact the business of the Association in the intervals between Association meetings. They are empowered to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, and otherwise deal in property real and personal, with the authorization of the membership voted at a meeting held for that purpose.
Article VI - Standing Committees
Such standing committees shall be created by the Association as may be required to promote the objects and best interests of the Association.
Article VII - Dues and Membership
The dues of this Associatiom shall be $25.00 per year. Membership shall be limited to Hampshire Shores Association owners.
Article VIII - Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present and voting, provided that due notice of the proposed amendment is given to all members at least five (5) days prior to the day of the meeting in summertime and fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting at other times of the year.
Article IX - Procedure
Roberts' Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Association in all cases where it is applicable and where it is not inconsistent with these By-Laws.
The above By-Laws are hereby approved, having been accepted by said Association at a meeting held in the Middletown Town Hall on Saturday, July 4, 1970.
Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Hampshire Shores Association held on August 30, 1975 at Sunrise Lake, Middleton, New Hampshire.
1. BE IT RESOLVED that the By-Laws of the Hampshire Shores Association be amended by adding to Article II "Objects," a new paragraph designated by the letter "g" to read as follows:
"(g) To adopt and enforce the provisions of the DECLARATION of Walter G. Eccleston and Marjorie M. Eccleston, dated March 17, 1965 and recorded in the Strafford County Registry of Deeds at Book 792, page 81, and the provisions of the SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION, dated January 31, 1967 and recorded in the Strafford County Registry of Deeds at Book 824, page 30. The Executive Committee of the Hampshire Shores Association shall have such necessary powers of enforcement as, in the sound discretion of said Executive Committee, fall within the scope of the powers and duties of the Hampshire Shores Association as prescribed by its By-Laws and said DECLARATIONS. This action is taken pursuant to and under authority of Paragraphs nineteen (19) and twenty (20) of said DECLARATION, and under color of title by virtue of a warranty deed from Hampshire Shores, Inc. to Hampshire Shores Association, dated June, 1970 and recorded in Strafford County Registry of Deeds, at Book 875, page 191, and by warranty deed From Hampshire Shores, Inc. to Hampshire Shores Association, dated January 21, 1975 and recorded Strafford County Registry of Deeds at Book 958, page 139."
2. BE IT RESOLVED that the DECLARATION of Walter G. Eccleston and Marjorie M. Eccleston, dated March 17, 1965 and recorded in the Strafford County Registry of Deeds at Book 792, page 81, and duly adopted by the Hampshire Shores Association on August 30, 1975, be amended as follows:
Paragraph Four (4) shall be amended to read:
"4. No building or structure shall be erected or maintained on any lot other than one single family dwelling which shall not exceed one and one-half stories in height and shall have ground floor area of not less that six hundred (600) square feet (this area including an enclosed--screened or glassed--porch or breezeway, but excluding an open breezeway or garage) and one private garage with no more than two stalls and one storage shed not exceeding one hundred forty four (144) square feet in area for the purpose of storing tools, maintenance equipment, and other articles pertaining to the use of the one family residence situated on the premises."
3. BE IT RESOLVED to engage the services of Attorney Eugene F. Nute of Farmington, New Hampshire, in order to effectuate the amendments to the DECLARATIONS and By-Laws of the Association resolved this day, and to expend monies in payment of such legal services.